

Please provide your 9 digits traditional chinese medicine registration number.
Please enter your 4 digits membership number
Please enter your bank name (e.g. UOB, DBS, HSBC etc...)
Payable to "Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore"
Mail to Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore
(705 Serangoon Road Singapore 328127)

支票署名 “Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore”
(705 Serangoon Road Singapore 328127)
Account Name: Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore
Bank: UOB
Bank Account Number: 355-312-447-4

所属银行户口名称: Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore
所属银行: UOB
所属银行户口号码: 355-312-447-4

Once you have completed your payment, please send your receipt of the transaction details screenshot via this whatsapp number 8873 1466 to the Secretariat of Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore or email to enquiry@academycms.org.

Upon confirmation of the receipt of the transaction details, the registration will be deemed to have successfully completed.

Note: If you cannot produce the receipt of the transaction details screenshot or the payment is not made after one week of registering the event, your registration will be deemed as invalid by the system.

一旦转账付款后,请把转账证明截图/屏Whatsapp 到 88731466 秘书处手机号码 或 电邮 enquiry@academycms.org 。仅有在收到确认邮件后,您的报名才正式生效 (注意: 无提供转账付款证明截图/屏者将无法被认可)
UEN Number : T14SS0164C

Once you have completed your payment, please send your receipt of the transaction details screenshot via this whatsapp number 8873 1466 to the Secretariat of Academy of Chinese Medicine, Singapore or email to enquiry@academycms.org. Upon confirmation of the receipt of the transaction details, the registration will be deemed to have successfully completed.

Note: If you cannot produce the receipt of the transaction details screenshot or the payment is not made after one week of event registration, your registration will be deemed as invalid by the system.

一旦PayNow付款后,请把付款证明截图/屏Whatsapp 到 88731466 秘书处手机号码 或 电邮 enquiry@academycms.org 。仅有在收到确认邮件后,您的报名才正式生效 (注意: 无提供PayNow付款证明截图/屏者将无法被认可)
Please select if you would like a printed original copy of the receipt to be sent to you.

Please provide the mailing address:


Please enter the correct postal code.


  1. I agree to allow the Academy of Chinese Medicine Singapore ("ACMS") to take photographs and videos during the course for purposes reasonably required by ACMS for events-related and communication purposes.


  2. The Academy of Chinese Medicine Singapore ("ACMS") reserves the rights to cancel or postpone the course. (Once the course fees have been made, it is non-refundable.)

    新加坡中医研究院有权利取消或延期举办课程。 (一旦付款课程报名费,恕不退款)

  3. The Academy of Chinese Medicine Singapore ("ACMS") will use various modes of communication, e.g WhatsApp Group Messaging to inform me about the event details.


  4. I agree to receive information sent to me in regards to other courses organised by the Academy of Chinese Medicine Singapore ("ACMS").



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